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Uncovering the internal structure of Boko Haram

By Olivier J. Walther, University of Florida The internal structure of violent extremist organizations such as Boko Haram in West Africa remains largely unknown due to their secretive nature. Of particular importance is whether violent extremist organizations are centralized around a few key hubs or composed of highly decentralized cells. In a new paper published today […]

What makes West African border cities special?

By Olivier J. Walther, University of Florida In a new paper published in French in IG today, African Networks Lab Coordinator Olivier Walther, Lawali Dambo and Moustapha Koné examine West Africa’s urbanization process and the demographic role of border cities in the region. The paper shows that West African border cities are different from other cities. Since the […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

Live animals are the most valued food product traded in West Africa. Long and complex value chains connect livestock producers in the Sahel with consumption basins in urban areas and the coast. In this region, livestock trade is highly informal and despite recent efforts to understand animal mobility patterns, remains largely unrecorded. Among the few […]