University of Florida Homepage


Peer-reviewed articles

  • Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2025. The spatial conflict life cycle in Africa. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 115(2): 456-477.
  • Walther O, Nugent P, Goewey S. 2024. The impact of transport policies on road accessibility in Ghana (2010-2019). African Geographical Review (online).
  • Prieto-Curiel R, Walther O, Davies E. 2023. Detecting trends and shocks in terrorist activities. PLOS ONE 18(9): e0291514.
  • Walther O, Prieto-Curiel R, Padron J, Scheuer J. 2023. Mapping the travel geography of the 9/11 network. The Professional Geographer 75(5): 855-869.
  • Walther O, Radil S, Russell D, Trémolières M. 2023. Introducing the Spatial Conflict Dynamics indicator of political violence. Terrorism and Political Violence 35(3): 533-552.
  • Walther O, Amilhat Szary AL, Brambilla C, Brunet-Jailly E, Klatt M, Laine J, Moyo I, Nugent P, Ptak T, Radil S. 2023. Border studies at 45. Political Geography 104, 102909.
  • Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M. 2023. Urban-rural geographies of political violence in North and West Africa. Africa Security 16(1).
  • Radil S, Irmisher I, Walther O. 2022. Contextualizing the relationship between borderlands and political violence: A dynamic space-time analysis in West and North Africa. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 37(2): 253-271.
  • Rojas J, Walther O. 2022. Revolutionary insurgents or conservative reactionaries? National Liberation Army’s transnational expansion in Colombia and Venezuela. Journal of Latin American Geography 22(2): 6-33.
  • Walther O. 2022. Security and trade in African borderlands – An introduction. Journal of Borderlands Studies 37(2): 229-234.
  • Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2021. Mapping the changing structure of conflict in North and West Africa. African Security 14(3): 211-238.
  • Skillicorn D, Walther O, Leuprecht C, Zheng Q. 2021. The diffusion and permeability of political violence in North and West Africa. Terrorism and Political Violence 33(5): 1032-1054.
  • Prieto Curiel R, Walther O, O’Clery C. 2020. Uncovering the internal structure of Boko Haram through its mobility patterns. Applied Network Science 5(28): 1-23.
  • Valerio V, Walther O, Eilittä M, Cissé B, Muneepeerakul R, Kiker G. 2020. Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa. PLOS ONE 15(5): e0232681.
  • Walther O, Leuprecht C, Skillicorn D. 2020. Political fragmentation and alliances among armed non-state actors in North and Western Africa (1997-2014). Terrorism and Political Violence 32(1): 167-186.
  • Walther O, Dambo L, Koné M, van Eupen M. 2019. Mapping travel time to assess accessibility in West Africa: The role of borders, checkpoints and road conditions. Journal of Transport Geography 82.
  • Walther O, Tenikue M, Trémolières M. 2019. Economic performance, gender and social networks in West African food systems. World Development 124: 1-14.
  • Leuprecht C. Walther O, Skillicorn D, Ryde-Collins H. 2017. Hezbollah’s global tentacles: A relational approach to convergence with transnational organised crime. Terrorism and Political Violence 29(5): 902-921.
  • Leuprecht C, Aulthouse A, Walther O. 2016. The puzzling resilience of transnational organized criminal networks. Police Practice and Research 17(4): 376-387.
  • Kuépié M, Tenikue M, Walther O. 2016. Social networks and small businesses performance in West African border regions. Oxford Development Studies 44(2): 202-219.
  • Zheng Q, Skillicorn D, Walther O. 2015. Signed directed social network analysis applied to group conflict. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW): 1007-1014.
  • Walther O, Christopoulos D. 2015. Islamic terrorism and the Malian rebellion. Terrorism and Political Violence 27(3): 497-519.
  • Walther O. 2015. Business, brokers and borders: The structure of West African trade networks. Journal of Development Studies 51(5): 603-620.
  • Walther O, Howard A, Retaillé D. 2015. West African spatial patterns of economic activities: combining the ‘spatial factor’ and ‘mobile space’ approaches. African Studies 74(3): 346-365.
  • Walther O. 2014. Trade networks in West Africa: A social network approach. Journal of Modern African Studies 52(2): 179-203.

Books and reports

Other publications

  • Harris-Coble, L. (2023). Mapping Seasonal Livestock Trade Movements in West Africa. American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Denver, Co, March (poster).
  • Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M. 2022. Urban-rural geographies of political violence in North and West Africa. SSRN 4171240.
  • Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M, Trémolières M. 2022. Conflicts are becoming increasingly rural in North and West Africa. OECD Development Matters, 26 July.
  • Pflaum M. 2021. Pastoralist violence in North and West Africa. OECD West African Papers 31.
  • Valerio, V. 2020. The structure of livestock trade in West Africa. OECD West African Papers 29.
  • Walther O, Radil S, Russell D, Trémolières M. 2020. Introducing the Spatial Conflict Dynamics indicator of political violence. arXiv 2003.01750.
  • Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2019. Mapping the geography of political violence in North and West Africa. OECD Development Matters, 17 Oct.
  • Walther O. 2020. Femmes et conflicts en Afrique de l’Ouest. OECD West African Papers 28.
  • Trémolières M, Walther O. 2019. Accessibility and infrastructure in border cities. OECD West African Papers 23.
  • Trémolières M, Walther O.2019. Business and health in border cities. OECD West African Papers 22.
  • Trémolières M, Walther O.2019. Population and morphology of border cities. OECD West African Papers 21.
  • Trémolières M, Walther O.2019. Regional integration in border cities. OECD West African Papers 20.
  • Radil S, Walther O. 2018. Social networks and geography: a review of the literature and its implications. arXiv 1805.04510.
  • Hoffmann L, Melly P, Walther O. 2017. Empowering Women in West African Markets. Case Studies from Kano, Katsina (Nigeria) and Maradi (Niger). Dakar, World Food Programme (download).
  • Walther O. 2017. The blurred boundaries of political violence in the Sahel-Sahara. OECD Development Matters, 29 September (read).
  • Walther O. 2017. Wars and conflicts in the Sahara-Sahel. OECD West African Papers 10.
  • Walther O, Renk S. 2017. Can social network analysis inform African development policies? Dakar, World Food Programme (download).
  • Walther O. 2017. Cross-border co-operation networks in West Africa. Paris, OECD West African Papers 6.
  • Walther O, Kuépié M, Tenikue M. 2017. When social networks become a burden for African traders. The Brookings Institution, Africa in Focus Series (read).
  • Walther O. 2016. Mapping West African Trade Networks. Washington DC, The Brookings Institution, Africa in Focus Series (read).
  • Walther O, Tisseron A. 2015. Strange bedfellows: a network analysis of Mali’s northern conflict. The Broker (read).
  • Walther O. 2015. Eating soup with a knife: Confronting warfare in the Sahara. OECD Observer 303.
  • Walther O, Vollmer S. 2015. Mapping the potential of cross-border cooperation in West Africa. GREAT Insights 4(6): 34-36.

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