Peer-reviewed articles
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2025. The spatial conflict life cycle in Africa. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 115(2): 456-477.
- Walther O, Nugent P, Goewey S. 2024. The impact of transport policies on road accessibility in Ghana (2010-2019). African Geographical Review (online).
- Prieto-Curiel R, Walther O, Davies E. 2023. Detecting trends and shocks in terrorist activities. PLOS ONE 18(9): e0291514.
- Walther O, Prieto-Curiel R, Padron J, Scheuer J. 2023. Mapping the travel geography of the 9/11 network. The Professional Geographer 75(5): 855-869.
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D, Trémolières M. 2023. Introducing the Spatial Conflict Dynamics indicator of political violence. Terrorism and Political Violence 35(3): 533-552.
- Walther O, Amilhat Szary AL, Brambilla C, Brunet-Jailly E, Klatt M, Laine J, Moyo I, Nugent P, Ptak T, Radil S. 2023. Border studies at 45. Political Geography 104, 102909.
- Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M. 2023. Urban-rural geographies of political violence in North and West Africa. Africa Security 16(1).
- Radil S, Irmisher I, Walther O. 2022. Contextualizing the relationship between borderlands and political violence: A dynamic space-time analysis in West and North Africa. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 37(2): 253-271.
- Rojas J, Walther O. 2022. Revolutionary insurgents or conservative reactionaries? National Liberation Army’s transnational expansion in Colombia and Venezuela. Journal of Latin American Geography 22(2): 6-33.
- Walther O. 2022. Security and trade in African borderlands – An introduction. Journal of Borderlands Studies 37(2): 229-234.
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2021. Mapping the changing structure of conflict in North and West Africa. African Security 14(3): 211-238.
- Skillicorn D, Walther O, Leuprecht C, Zheng Q. 2021. The diffusion and permeability of political violence in North and West Africa. Terrorism and Political Violence 33(5): 1032-1054.
- Prieto Curiel R, Walther O, O’Clery C. 2020. Uncovering the internal structure of Boko Haram through its mobility patterns. Applied Network Science 5(28): 1-23.
- Valerio V, Walther O, Eilittä M, Cissé B, Muneepeerakul R, Kiker G. 2020. Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa. PLOS ONE 15(5): e0232681.
- Walther O, Leuprecht C, Skillicorn D. 2020. Political fragmentation and alliances among armed non-state actors in North and Western Africa (1997-2014). Terrorism and Political Violence 32(1): 167-186.
- Walther O, Dambo L, Koné M, van Eupen M. 2019. Mapping travel time to assess accessibility in West Africa: The role of borders, checkpoints and road conditions. Journal of Transport Geography 82.
- Walther O, Tenikue M, Trémolières M. 2019. Economic performance, gender and social networks in West African food systems. World Development 124: 1-14.
- Leuprecht C. Walther O, Skillicorn D, Ryde-Collins H. 2017. Hezbollah’s global tentacles: A relational approach to convergence with transnational organised crime. Terrorism and Political Violence 29(5): 902-921.
- Leuprecht C, Aulthouse A, Walther O. 2016. The puzzling resilience of transnational organized criminal networks. Police Practice and Research 17(4): 376-387.
- Kuépié M, Tenikue M, Walther O. 2016. Social networks and small businesses performance in West African border regions. Oxford Development Studies 44(2): 202-219.
- Zheng Q, Skillicorn D, Walther O. 2015. Signed directed social network analysis applied to group conflict. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW): 1007-1014.
- Walther O, Christopoulos D. 2015. Islamic terrorism and the Malian rebellion. Terrorism and Political Violence 27(3): 497-519.
- Walther O. 2015. Business, brokers and borders: The structure of West African trade networks. Journal of Development Studies 51(5): 603-620.
- Walther O, Howard A, Retaillé D. 2015. West African spatial patterns of economic activities: combining the ‘spatial factor’ and ‘mobile space’ approaches. African Studies 74(3): 346-365.
- Walther O. 2014. Trade networks in West Africa: A social network approach. Journal of Modern African Studies 52(2): 179-203.
Books and reports
- Trémolières M, Walther O, Radil S. (eds) 2023. Urbanisation and Conflicts in North and West Africa, Paris, OECD Publishing.
- Trémolières M, Walther O, Radil S. (eds) 2022. Borders and Conflicts in North and West Africa, Paris, OECD Publishing.
- Trémolières M, Walther O, Radil S. (eds) 2021. Conflict Networks in North and West Africa (English). Réseaux de Conflits en Afrique du Nord et de l’Ouest (French). Paris, OECD Publishing.
- Trémolières M, Walther O, Radil S. (eds) 2020. The Geography of Conflict in North and West Africa (English). La Géographie des Conflits en Afrique du Nord et de l’Ouest (French). Paris, OECD Publishing.
- Trémolières M, Walther O. (eds) 2019. Women and Trade Networks in West Africa. Paris, OECD Publishing.
- Walther O, Miles W. (eds) 2018. African Border Disorders. Addressing Transnational Extremist Organizations. New York, Routledge (open access).
- Trémolières M, Walther O. (eds) 2017. Cross-border Co-operation and Policy Networks in West Africa. Paris, OECD Publishing.
Other publications
- Harris-Coble, L. (2023). Mapping Seasonal Livestock Trade Movements in West Africa. American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Denver, Co, March (poster).
- Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M. 2022. Urban-rural geographies of political violence in North and West Africa. SSRN 4171240.
- Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M, Trémolières M. 2022. Conflicts are becoming increasingly rural in North and West Africa. OECD Development Matters, 26 July.
- Pflaum M. 2021. Pastoralist violence in North and West Africa. OECD West African Papers 31.
- Valerio, V. 2020. The structure of livestock trade in West Africa. OECD West African Papers 29.
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D, Trémolières M. 2020. Introducing the Spatial Conflict Dynamics indicator of political violence. arXiv 2003.01750.
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2019. Mapping the geography of political violence in North and West Africa. OECD Development Matters, 17 Oct.
- Walther O. 2020. Femmes et conflicts en Afrique de l’Ouest. OECD West African Papers 28.
- Trémolières M, Walther O. 2019. Accessibility and infrastructure in border cities. OECD West African Papers 23.
- Trémolières M, Walther O.2019. Business and health in border cities. OECD West African Papers 22.
- Trémolières M, Walther O.2019. Population and morphology of border cities. OECD West African Papers 21.
- Trémolières M, Walther O.2019. Regional integration in border cities. OECD West African Papers 20.
- Radil S, Walther O. 2018. Social networks and geography: a review of the literature and its implications. arXiv 1805.04510.
- Hoffmann L, Melly P, Walther O. 2017. Empowering Women in West African Markets. Case Studies from Kano, Katsina (Nigeria) and Maradi (Niger). Dakar, World Food Programme (download).
- Walther O. 2017. The blurred boundaries of political violence in the Sahel-Sahara. OECD Development Matters, 29 September (read).
- Walther O. 2017. Wars and conflicts in the Sahara-Sahel. OECD West African Papers 10.
- Walther O, Renk S. 2017. Can social network analysis inform African development policies? Dakar, World Food Programme (download).
- Walther O. 2017. Cross-border co-operation networks in West Africa. Paris, OECD West African Papers 6.
- Walther O, Kuépié M, Tenikue M. 2017. When social networks become a burden for African traders. The Brookings Institution, Africa in Focus Series (read).
- Walther O. 2016. Mapping West African Trade Networks. Washington DC, The Brookings Institution, Africa in Focus Series (read).
- Walther O, Tisseron A. 2015. Strange bedfellows: a network analysis of Mali’s northern conflict. The Broker (read).
- Walther O. 2015. Eating soup with a knife: Confronting warfare in the Sahara. OECD Observer 303.
- Walther O, Vollmer S. 2015. Mapping the potential of cross-border cooperation in West Africa. GREAT Insights 4(6): 34-36.
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